Enhance Your Playlists With “Grovy Lane,” a Well-Produced Track by Max Foxx and Nicky Renard

Like most people, you probably depend on music to make activities more pleasant, whether while making dinner or commuting to work. However, if the playlists you love sound a little stale, liven them up with “Grovy Lane.” Performed by Max Foxx and Nicky Renard, it’s the lead single from a forthcoming full-length album recorded in Nashville. Although the album will provide you with lots of sonic sustenance, the single is a powerful taste of what’s to come, and more than enough to get you interested in what this pair offers. You just may deem it unlike anything else you’ve heard…

Calgary is Canada’s Treasure

Calgary is one of the lesser discovered areas of Canada and does not possess the high profile of cities like Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal. But that should not deter travelers from wanting to unlock the mysteries of this beautiful and rugged city. The city is one of the greenest in Canada with the water flowing down from the Canadian Rockies feeding the Elbow River that flows through the city. Calgary is the capital of Canada’s Alberta Province that sits in the western part of Canada between British Columbia and Saskatchewan. The city is located about 50 miles east of the…

Budget Travel: Cheaper Ways To Travel Australia

Australia is an incredibly popular place to travel, but is well-known for not being  cheapest. It’s the sixth largest country in the world, but also has a small population in comparison to its large size, which makes for little competition. All of this results in Australia being a fairly expensive place to travel. But just because it’s expensive doesn’t mean you shouldn’t visit. We’ve come up with some quick tips on how to travel Australia on a budget. Car share With Australia being so large, a common way to travel between cities is by driving. But fuel can be expensive,…

Is It Time for a Journey to South America?

Whether you have traveled to South America before or you are thinking about a first-ever opportunity to do so, make sure you do lots of planning. With so many things to see and do, you can’t just wait until the last minute to plot your course. Given your options include stops in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela, you could literally spend weeks or even a couple of months hop-scotching your way across South America. Now, unless you are retired and/or have lots of free time on your hands, visiting all of these…

Make Money Whilst Helping Others When You Travel

People have always been fascinated with travelling, and there are numerous historical accounts of people who have travelled to other countries and taken up local work to pay their way. In the digital age, this has just become a lot easier. If our ancestors can do it without any technology to aid them, why can’t we? Here are a few tips that can help you earn while you travel. It can be a very enriching experience. Teaching English One of the advantages of coming from an English-speaking country is that the language is indispensable all over the world. It is…

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